The best of both worlds
Microsoft Teams offers communication tools – such as chats, online meetings, common notepads and the like – and in doing so has inserted itself firmly into modern office life. We make sure that your staff are still reachable on their usual numbers when they work with the Microsoft Team software. This combination offers the best of both CSC TELECOM Call manager and Microsoft worlds.
The best solution. Always.
When it comes to working together, Microsoft Teams is definitely one of the best solutions, and one that undergoes constant development. Of course it contains voice functions, but that is not Microsoft’s main focus. However, in an enterprise there will always be staff members who need just that, some even more than they need collaboration solutions. That is why it makes sense to implement your company’s telecommunications with a Communi5 platform, and to connect both systems over a SIP trunk (direct routing). The users can then choose themselves how to make calls – either with Communi5 clients or Microsoft Teams clients.
Advantages for the service provider
-One Cloud Trunk for all your Customers
-No local E-SBC required
-Lower bandwidth/license requirements
-Simplified deployment